May 9, 2022

Comments on SEC proposed rule regarding Cybersecurity Risk Management, Strategy, Governance, and Incident Disclosure, File S7-09-22

May 9, 2022

Via e-mail:

Vanessa Countryman, Secretary

Securities and Exchange Commission

100 F Street, NE

Washington, DC 20549-0609

Security and Exchange Commission proposed rule regarding Cybersecurity Risk

Management, Strategy, Governance, and Incident Disclosure, File S7-09-22

Dear Secretary Countryman:

The Cybersecurity Coalition (“Coalition”) submits these comments in response to the proposed

rule issued by the Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC”). The Coalition appreciates the

opportunity to comment on the SEC’s Cybersecurity Risk Management, Strategy, Governance,

and Incident Disclosure proposal, and believes that the commentary offered will be helpful to the

SEC in understanding the cybersecurity industry’s perspective on several key elements of the

proposed amendments.

The Coalition is composed of leading companies specializing in cybersecurity products and

services dedicated to finding and advancing consensus policy solutions that promote the

development and adoption of cybersecurity technologies.1 We seek to ensure a robust

marketplace that will encourage companies of all sizes to take steps to improve their

cybersecurity risk management. We are supportive of efforts to identify and promote the

adoption of cybersecurity best practices, information sharing, and voluntary standards throughout

the global community. Many Coalition members are publicly traded.

In general, the Coalition is supportive of the effort being put forward and the issues it seeks to

address. The Coalition is also appreciative of the former SEC interpretive guidance on disclosure

obligations related to cybersecurity risks, and would recommend an approach that can maintain

consistency with such guidance. However, several areas that suggest a slightly more prescriptive

approach to reporting can present cyber risk, and we identified these concerns below.

As an additional resource, the Coalition is pleased to provide the SEC with an overview of our

prior position underlining several key principles for cyber incident reporting regimes. These

principles are generally reflected in the recently passed “Cyber Incident Reporting for Critical

Infrastructure Act of 2022” (“CIRCIA”). They include:

• Establishing feasible reporting timelines of no less than 72 hours of determination of a

significant or material incident2 for reporting incident information in confidence, while

allowing for supplemental reporting as more information becomes known.

• Limiting reporting to verified incidents

• Limiting reporting obligations to the victim organization rather than third parties

• Harmonizing federal cybersecurity incident reporting requirements

• Ensuring confidentiality and nondisclosure of incident information provided to the


• Balancing the urgency to notify with the need to provide accurate information

• Reporting should complement, not compete with, the incident response procedures of

victim entities, or otherwise subject victim entities to additional risk.

Detailed below are the Coalition’s responses to specific questions as numbered within the

proposed rule.

1. Would investors benefit from current reporting about material cybersecurity incidents

on Form 8-K? Does the proposed Form 8-K disclosure requirement appropriately

balance the informational needs of investors and the reporting burdens on registrants?

A) The Coalition believes that cybersecurity is increasingly important to investors

and business operations. Current reporting about material cybersecurity incidents may

provide additional transparency to investors regarding the registrants’ cyber resiliency,

and effects of the incident on finances and operations. However, requiring registrants to

publicly disclose incidents prior to remediation of the incident may undermine

cybersecurity, and creates risks to companies, investors, and consumers. We detail these

concerns below.

2. Would proposed Item 1.05 require an appropriate level of disclosure about a material

cybersecurity incident? Would the proposed disclosures allow investors to understand the

nature of the incident and its potential impact on the registrant, and make an informed

investment decision? Should we modify or eliminate any of the specified disclosure items

in proposed Item 1.05? Is there any additional information about a material

cybersecurity incident that Item 1.05 should require?

A) In general, the Coalition has significant reservations about Item 1.05 requiring

that registrants’ incident disclosures address specifically whether an incident is ongoing


and whether an incident has been remediated. The Coalition appreciates the SEC’s

acknowledgment that registrants are not expected to disclose specific technical

information “in such detail as would impede the registrant’s response or remediation of

the incident,” but the Coalition is nevertheless concerned that requiring a public

acknowledgment that an incident is ongoing and less-than-fully remediated would be

contrary to cybersecurity best practices, and may put SEC registrants and their investors –

and the ecosystem and nation at large - at unnecessary additional risk.

Accordingly, the Coalition believes the proposed Item 1.05 disclosures should be refined

to promote security interests while still providing necessary transparency to investors.

Ideally, and in accordance with long established cybersecurity best practices, limited (if

any) information should be publicly disclosed about incidents that have yet to be

remediated. There are a few specific exceptions to this principle, but the Coalition

believes the SEC’s disclosure rule should adhere to this best practice.

In any event, the Coalition emphatically supports the removal of any requirement to

specifically disclose an incident’s remediation status on Form 8-K. Rather, the rule

should permit registrants flexibility to determine the level of specificity that is

appropriate for public consumption in light of active security risks, and to withhold

certain details (such as the incomplete status of remediation), or perhaps delay detailed

disclosure altogether, if the registrant reasonably believed disclosure of certain details

would exacerbate the material impact of the incident.

3. Could any of the proposed Item 1.05 disclosures, or the proposed timing of the

disclosures have the unintentional effect of putting registrants at additional risk of future

cybersecurity incidents? If so, how could we modify the proposal to avoid this effect? For

example, should registrants instead provide some of the disclosures in proposed Item

1.05 in the registrant’s next periodic report? If so, which disclosures?

A) The Coalition generally supports the SEC’s goal to inform investors of

material cybersecurity incidents in a consistent and timely manner. The Coalition also

applauds that the SEC’s proposed rule states that disclosures need not disclose specific

technical information that would impede cybersecurity activities like incident response. 3

However, while disclosure of a remediated cyber incident is possible four days after a

materiality determination, disclosure of an ongoing cyber incident creates new risks. As

noted above, the Coalition is against any mandatory public revelations about incidents

that are ongoing, or where remediation efforts are incomplete. This would be against

established best practices, and has the potential to worsen a cybersecurity incident for

both the victim registrant and investors.


Requiring detailed disclosure on a current basis on Form 8-K may result in registrants

revealing the existence of a cybersecurity incident before such incident is fully mitigated

or remediated, and the impacted information system fortified against similar threats. In

addition, the proposed rule would require a registrant to disclose whether or not the

incident has been remediated, which has the effect of calling out the status of the

registrant’s ability to remediate the incident at a time when the registrant is at its most

vulnerable state. The nature of the proposed current reporting could unintentionally invite

additional threat actors to take advantage of the vulnerability, resulting in additional harm

to registrants and their investors. In most cases, if a registrant experiences a cybersecurity

incident, it is in the best interests of the registrant and its investors for the registrant to

focus on identifying and remediating the incident prior to public disclosure of the


Finding the appropriate balance between cybersecurity and transparency is a difficult

problem that may not have an elegant solution. However, the SEC should consider

possible options for modifying its proposal to avoid creating additional risks. This may

include permitting registrants to delay the filing of Form 8-K concerning a material

cybersecurity incident until it has been remediated. Circumstances that could justify such

delay include where the registrant is actively pursuing timely mitigation of the incident,

but cannot reasonably complete that process within four days of a materiality

determination, and the registrant reasonably believes public disclosure of the incident

prior to mitigation would exacerbate the material impact of the incident.

If the SEC maintains that current, detailed reporting is required in all cases, then 8-K

disclosures on cybersecurity incidents should not require the disclosure of the status of

mitigation or remediation, and registrants should be afforded significant latitude as to the

substance and detail of such disclosures, to minimize the risk to the registrant and

investors alike. Registrants should not be required or advised to report specifics of

unmitigated vulnerabilities or ongoing cybersecurity incidents.

4. We are proposing to require registrants to file an Item 1.05 Form 8-K within four

business days after the registrant determines that it has experienced a material

cybersecurity incident. Would the proposed four-business day filing deadline provide

sufficient time for registrants to prepare the disclosures that would be required under

proposed Item 1.05? Should we modify the timeframe in which a registrant must file a

Form 8-K under proposed Item 1.05? If so, what timeframe would be more appropriate

for making these disclosures?

A) To the extent Form 8-K reporting is required, the Coalition believes that the

four-business day filing deadline from the point that a registrant determines that it has

experienced a material cybersecurity incident is adequate for incidents that have been

remediated as it is consistent with global best practices. At a minimum, registrants should

never be required to report sooner than 72 hours after a covered incident is confirmed.

This timeframe is reflected in numerous national and international reporting regimes such

as the European Union’s (EU) General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), New York


State’s (NYS) Part 500 Cybersecurity Requirements for Financial Services Companies

(23 CRR-NY 500), The Australian Security Legislation Amendment (Critical

Infrastructure) Act 2021, and others.4, 5, 6

Remediated cyber incidents may be appropriately disclosed under Form 8-K within four

days of the materiality determination, but registrants should be provided additional time

to remediate the incident before public disclosure if necessary. While registrants may be

capable of preparing the disclosure within four-business days, the Coalition has concerns

that the public disclosure of a yet-to-be remediated cyber incident will create new

cybersecurity risks for registrants and investors. Our concerns and proposed alternatives

are detailed above.

It should also be noted that cybersecurity incidents affecting registrants may become

public through the press or other third parties when no 8-K has been filed, and any such

mismatch between newsworthiness and materiality is neither unexpected nor unique to

cybersecurity matters. For example, there may be incidents that the press or other third

parties deem “significant” or otherwise of interest for a variety of reasons, but that the

registrant has reasonably determined does not meet the materiality threshold for investors

at the time, or possibly ever. The SEC should not expect or conclude that press or other

third-party statements about cybersecurity incidents, which could be unsubstantiated and

based on speculation rather than fact, create a presumption that a Form 8-K will be filed.

Form 8-Ks will not necessarily match the public record for cybersecurity incidents, and

such a mismatch should not be considered indicative of a registrant failing its reporting


5. Should there be a different triggering event for the Item 1.05 disclosure, such as the

registrant’s discovery that it has experienced a cybersecurity incident, even if the

registrant has not yet been able to determine the materiality of the incident? If so, which

information should be disclosed in Form 8-K based on a revised triggering event? Should

we instead require disclosure only if the expected costs arising from a cybersecurity

incident exceed a certain quantifiable threshold, e.g., a percentage of the company’s

assets, equity, revenues or net income or alternatively a precise number? If so, what

would be an appropriate threshold?

A) The Coalition is supportive of the SEC’s proposal to define the triggering

event for any required non-periodic reporting as “the date on which a registrant

determines that a cybersecurity incident it has experienced is material. ”7 This definition

aligns with the principle of balancing the urgency of submitting an incident notification

with the need for accurately assessing an incident’s significance.


Public disclosure of cybersecurity incidents before a materiality determination has been

made risks needlessly confusing investors by inundating them with reports of

cybersecurity incidents that are later assessed to have had no meaningful impact. The

additional reports that would be created by earlier disclosures would likely misrepresent

the quantity and significance of cybersecurity incidents to investors in a way that would

hinder their ability to make informed decisions and potentially cause investor under- or

over-reactions that may result in mispricing of securities.

In relation to significance, the Coalition supports the use of the materiality standard. The

materiality standard is a well-established concept that is familiar to SEC registrants and it

provides adequate flexibility for assessing various types of cyber-related incidents. We

would recommend against creating a new standard for cybersecurity incidents that is

distinct from the materiality standard used for other required disclosures. It is not clear

that “expected costs” or any other threshold or methodology would be more consistent or

easier to apply.

6. To what extent, if any, would the proposed Form 8-K incident reporting obligation

create conflicts for a registrant with respect to other obligations of the registrant under

federal or state law? How would any such conflicting obligations arise, and what

mechanisms could the Commission use to ensure that registrants can comply with other

laws and regulations while providing these timely disclosures to investors? What costs

would registrants face in determining the extent of a potential conflict?

A) The Coalition is aware of the growing number of disparate federal and state

cyber incident reporting regimes, including the recent CIRCIA. Variations among cyber

incident reporting regimes strain organizations who must ensure they comply with

different definitions of covered incidents, reporting timelines, reporting content

requirements, reporting formats, and more. That is in addition to the deconfliction

process of understanding how various cyber incident reporting regimes affect an

organization’s obligation to other laws and regulations.

This is why the Coalition supported the recent CIRCIA’s creation of a Cyber Incident

Reporting Council “to coordinate, deconflict, and harmonize Federal incident reporting

requirements, including those issued through regulations.”8

The Coalition is not in the position to outline how all the various combinations of

reporting regimes may create conflicts for registrants. However, the Coalition strongly

urges the harmonization of these cyber incident reporting regimes where possible, and

encourages the SEC to assess existing regimes, and to work with the Cyber Incident

Reporting Council to maximize alignment. This is true in particular where requirements

can be in direct conflict (e.g., disclose information to the public at large, compared to

maintaining it in confidence, as required by security best practices).


7. Should any rule provide that the Commission shall allow registrants to delay reporting

of a cybersecurity incident where the Attorney General requests such a delay from the

Commission based on the Attorney General’s written determination that the delay is in

the interest of national security?

A) The Coalition believes the Attorney General, or their designee, should have the

ability to request a delay in reporting a cybersecurity incident in the interest of national

security. Any cybersecurity incident that rises to the level of national security concern

would plausibly put investors at far greater risk if disclosed than if investors were delayed

in receiving a cybersecurity incident disclosure. In such instances, the security of the

nation and of all investors should be prioritized.

8. We are proposing to include an instruction that “a registrant shall make a materiality

determination regarding a cybersecurity incident as soon as reasonably practicable after

discovery of the incident.” Is this instruction sufficient to mitigate the risk of a registrant

delaying a materiality determination? Should we consider further guidance regarding the

timing of a materiality determination? Should we, for example, suggest examples of

timeframes that would (or would not), in most circumstances, be considered prompt?

A) The Coalition is supportive of a flexible instruction to make a materiality

determination as soon as reasonably practicable after discovery of the incident. We

caution against imposing a specific timeframe on the materiality determination, because

of the high degree of variability in cybersecurity incidents. Each cybersecurity incident is

unique and the number of variables that impact the materiality calculus does not lend

itself to a more defined approach. As the Coalition stated in the principles above, the

urgency to report must be balanced with the need for accuracy, and reporting should

complement, not compete with, the registrant’s incident response activities.

Each registrant’s combination of systems, structure, policies and procedures,

cybersecurity maturity, line of business, and available resources is unique, and each will

affect the speed at which a cybersecurity incident’s materiality can be determined.

Likewise, the type and sophistication of a cybersecurity incident can vary greatly and

may add significant complexity to the determination process.

Providing further guidance and suggested timeframes risk registrants feeling obligated to

adjust response procedures to make a determination to the detriment of remediation

efforts. Such an outcome would represent additional risk to the registrant and its

investors. Additionally, such guidance may lead registrants to report when they have

insufficient evidence to make an accurate judgment on the materiality of a cybersecurity

incident. This may lead to overreporting of non-material cybersecurity incidents or lead

to underreporting of material cybersecurity incidents. Furthermore, it risks creating

unrealistic expectations for investors who may feel deceived or misled when incident

reporting falls outside of the guidance or examples provided by the SEC. It is in the best


interest of the registrant and investors for the registrant to follow best practices to identify

and remediate the incident and not make a premature materiality determination.

10. As described further below, we are proposing to define cybersecurity incident to

include an unauthorized occurrence on or through a registrant’s “information systems,”

which is proposed to include “information resources owned or used by the registrant.”

Would registrants be reasonably able to obtain information to make a materiality

determination about cybersecurity incidents affecting information resources that are used

but not owned by them? Would a safe harbor for information about cybersecurity

incidents affecting information resources that are used but not owned by a registrant be

appropriate? If so, why, and what would be the appropriate scope of a safe harbor?

What alternative disclosure requirements would provide investors with information about

cybersecurity incidents and risks that affect registrants via information systems owned by

third parties?

A) The Coalition strongly opposes the notion that the definition of “cybersecurity

incident” should cover anything other than a registrant’s own information systems. This

is in line with the principle that third-party reporting should be avoided. While registrants

may have some visibility into a cybersecurity incident that affects information resources,

they use but do not own, only the owner of the information system itself is in a position

to assess the full implications of the incident. This is especially true for complex cloud


A specific concern is the inclusion of “used by” in relation to the proposed definition of

“information systems”, which risks inaccurate disclosures due to a registrant’s lack of

information or knowledge concerning an incident. This may create confusion for

investors about the nature of an incident. Furthermore, it may introduce friction and

distrust between registrants and their IT vendors, to the detriment of investors. The

Coalition recommends replacing “used by” with “operated by” within the proposed


14. Should we include Item 1.05, as proposed, in the list of Form 8-K items where failure

to timely file a Form 8-K will not result in the loss of a registrant’s eligibility to file a

registration statement on Form S-3 and Form SF-3?

A) The Coalition agrees with the SEC’s view that a failure to timely file a Form

8-K should not result in the loss of a registrant’s S-3 eligibility. Given the complexity

surrounding cybersecurity detecting, analyzing, and remediating cybersecurity incidents

(including as to materiality determination), and the harsh consequences to a registrant

from losing S-3 eligibility, it is not in the best interests of investors for a registrant to lose

S-3 eligibility.


17. Should we adopt Item 106(b) and (c) as proposed? Are there other aspects of a

registrant’s cybersecurity policies and procedures or governance that should be required

to be disclosed under Item 106, to the extent that a registrant has any policies and

procedures or governance? Conversely, should we exclude any of the proposed Item 106

disclosure requirements?

A) The Coalition recommends the SEC replace item 106(b)(1)(i) with the


• The registrant has a cybersecurity risk assessment program and, if so, whether

it uses best practices and standards to identify and protect against

cybersecurity risks and to detect and respond to cybersecurity events, and if

not provide a description of the program.

The Coalition believes it would be useful for investors to know whether the registrant’s

risk assessment program follows risk management best practices and standards to control

or mitigate risks. If a registrant is not following an established set of best practices and

standards, then the registrant should describe the nature of their cybersecurity program.

The Coalition believes Item 106(b) and (c), and this proposed change supports the intent

of the proposed rule to provide “decision-useful information” concerning “whether and

how a registrant is managing cybersecurity risks [which] could impact an investor’s

return on investment.”

18. Are the proposed definitions of the terms “cybersecurity incident,” “cybersecurity

threat,” and “information systems,” in Item 106(a) appropriate or should they be

revised? Are there other terms used in the proposed amendments that we should define?

A) As reflected in our response to question 10, the Coalition feels the definition of

“Information systems” should only include those systems operationally controlled by the

registrant. We recommend replacing “used by” with “operated by” within the proposed

definition. If the registrant uses a third-party system, they should not be required to report

cybersecurity incidents that may occur on such systems. In the event a cybersecurity

incident at a third-party provider has a material impact on the registrant, the registrant

should report the activity under Item 8.01.

21. As proposed, a registrant that has not established any cybersecurity policies or

procedures would not have to explicitly state that this is the case. If applicable, should a

registrant have to explicitly state that it has not established any cybersecurity policies

and procedures?

A) The Coalition recommends that a registrant should have to explicitly state if

they have not established any cybersecurity policies and procedures. As the proposed rule


highlights, a cybersecurity incident could result in a material impact to a registrant.

Consequently, investors have the right to know if a registrant has not established any

cybersecurity policies or procedures.

22. Are there concerns that certain disclosures required under Item 106 would have the

potential effect of undermining a registrant’s cybersecurity defense efforts or have other

potentially adverse effects by highlighting a registrant’s lack of policies and procedures

related to cybersecurity? If so, how should we address these concerns while balancing

investor need for a sufficient description of a registrant’s policies and procedures for

purposes of their investment decisions?

A) The Coalition believes registrants should only be required to disclose at a

high-level whether “[p]revious cybersecurity incidents informed changes in the

registrant’s governance, policies and procedures, or technologies.” Requiring the

disclosure of specific details about how registrants are changing their programs in

response to a cybersecurity incident could undermine the cybersecurity defenses of the

registrant and make the registrant more vulnerable to cyberattacks.

The Coalition does not believe that the disclosures required under Item 106 would

necessarily undermine a registrants’ cybersecurity defense efforts as long as they are

sensibly described. While there may be incremental risks associated with a registrant’s

disclosures regarding their lack of policies and procedures related to cybersecurity, we

feel the risk to the registrant is outweighed by the risk to a potential investor who is not

able to assess a registrant’s cybersecurity policies and procedures.

In general, the Coalition believes that the disclosures specified in Item 106 regarding a

registrant’s policies and procedures, if any, for identifying and managing cybersecurity

risks, a registrant’s cybersecurity governance, including the board of directors’ oversight

role regarding cybersecurity risks, and management’s role and relevant expertise in

assessing and managing cybersecurity related risks and implementing related policies,

procedures, and strategies would be beneficial in promoting transparency to investors on

this increasingly important aspect of corporate governance.

Additionally, this transparency should provide an incentive for the registrant to develop,

implement, and maintain cybersecurity governance, policies, and procedures in line with

industry best practices and standards. An approach to consider would be to initiate the

Item 106 disclosures after the regulation is finalized to provide registrants time to

implement their cybersecurity policies and procedures.

The Coalition does, however, recommend that the SEC revise its proposed amendments

to Item 106(d) to clarify that a registrant need only provide updates to “previously

disclosed material cybersecurity incidents,” and need not make disclosures relating to

immaterial incidents (unless they have become material in the aggregate, as proposed)

that may have been addressed in the press or other third-party reports.


23. Should we exempt certain categories of registrants from proposed Item 106, such

as smaller reporting companies, emerging growth companies, or FPIs? If so, which ones

and why? How would any exemption impact investor assessments and comparisons of the

cybersecurity risks of registrants? Alternatively, should we provide for scaled disclosure

requirements by any of these categories of registrants, and if so, how?

A) The Coalition does not believe the SEC should exempt any categories of

registrants from proposed Item 106(b), including smaller reporting companies, emerging

growth companies, or FPIs. All organizations are potential targets of threat actors, who

typically cast a wide net and are indiscriminate in their threat activities. Increased

transparency with respect to companies’ cybersecurity risk management is valuable to

investors when making investment decisions, regardless of filer type.

24. Should we provide for delayed compliance or other transition provisions for

proposed Item 106 for certain categories of registrants, such as smaller reporting

companies, emerging growth companies, FPIs, or asset-backed securities issuers?

Proposed Item 106(b), which would require companies to provide disclosures regarding

existing policies and procedures for the identification and management of cybersecurity

incidents, would be required in annual reports. Should the proposed Item 106(b)

disclosures also be required in registration statements under the Securities Act and the

Exchange Act?

A) The Coalition does not think the SEC should significantly delay compliance

with Item 106, but may instead provide for a period of transition for compliance.

Cybersecurity risk assessment programs should be a foundational and strategic function

of all organizations, no matter the age, size or industry. A decision to delay compliance

would signal that cybersecurity risk assessment is only relevant to specific segments of

companies, when the reality is that all organizations are potential targets by threat actors.

It is to the benefit of companies, their customers, and their shareholders to ensure that

adequate cybersecurity controls, and defenses are implemented without exception or the

ability to delay compliance due to a technicality.

The Coalition hopes that its input will be helpful to the SEC in highlighting the elements of the

proposed rule that should be reconsidered or modified to better achieve the SEC’s stated goals,

while becoming more consistent with cybersecurity standards and best practices, especially as

they relate to incident reporting.

Thank you for your time and consideration. Should you have any questions, or if we can assist in

any other way, please contact Grant Schneider at

Respectfully Submitted,

The Cybersecurity Coalition

1 The views expressed in this comment reflect the consensus views of the Coalition, and do not necessarily reflect the views of any individual Coalition member. For more information on the Coalition, see

2 72-hours represents the minimum amount of time that is required for a victim to report an incident in the context of the CIRCIA (certain incident information which is reported in confidence). The Coalition acknowledges that collecting sufficient and complete information to conduct the materiality assessment can entail a longer timeline which start may commence after the remediation is concluded. We expand on the issue below. This is important, since determinations conducted in premature stages may result in providing misleading, inaccurate, or not useful information that puts other parties at risk – given the nature of this information.

3 Pg. 21. “While registrants should provide disclosure responsive to the enumerated items to the extent known at the time of filing of the Form 8-K, we would not expect a registrant to publicly disclose specific, technical information about its planned response to the incident or its cybersecurity systems, related networks and devices, or potential system vulnerabilities in such detail as would impede the registrant’s response or remediation of the incident.”


